100.3 The Beat, Majic 104.9 and Hallelujah 1600, along with Brown and Crouppen, proudly announce Sista Strut 2020. This year will be a little bit different. We’re encouraging you to walk safely, securely and on your terms. And to join us for the Sista Strut Virtual Celebration. Community, and Inspiration. Happening on the morning of Saturday, October 3rd.
Thank you for joining us for Sista Strut! With your help we've been able to donate over a quarter of a million dollars to local charities, right here in St. Louis. We want to continue that support in 2020. Please consider making a direct donation to one of the local charities below.
The Breakfast Club Inc., an African American breast cancer support group founded in 1997 by St. Louisian and breast cancer survivor Sherrill Jackson. The Breakfast Club Inc. (BCI) began as a breast cancer support group serving primarily African American women residing in North St. Louis City and County. Over the years other programs have been implemented and the mission has broadened. Current mission is:To impact the St. Louis Metropolitan community through education, awareness, resources and support concerning breast health, breast cancer and breast cancer prevention and screening.
The Breakfast Club Inc. Goals are:
To increase the rate of mammography screening, clinical breast exams and breast self-awareness among African American women residing in North St. Louis City and County.To decrease the incidence of late stage breast cancer in the target population.To increase the availability of breast cancer information, resources, navigation assistance and support to under-served women in the St. Louis community.
Click here to make a donation to The Breakfast Club Inc.
The Pink Angels Foundation provides resources and assistance to both women and men diagnosed with breast cancer. Our mission is to provide a safe haven for those currently diagnosed with breast cancer through support sessions, providing monthly nutritional supplements, gas cards, grocery cards, and care packages prior to surgery. It is our goal to stand side by side with each pink angel until a cure is found for this horrible disease. For more information please visit our website at www.pinkangelsfoundation.org.
Click here to make a donation to The Pink Angels Foundation.
SSM Health Women’s Health provides a full range of specialized services and a comprehensive approach to women’s health care in St. Louis, St. Charles and Metro-East regions. In addition, SSM Health St. Mary’s serves as the clinical site for St. Louis University, which provides our patients with access to OB/GYN specialists who are recognized experts in their field. Our comprehensive women’s health services include, but are not limited to the following vital services:
Maternal Care – SSM Health St. Mary’s is a recognized leader in obstetrical care for women with high-risk conditions during pregnancy. As a community hospital, we also provide a high touch approach to maternity care, including access to midwifery services, which allow women to design the birth experience that best meets their expectations.
Gynecologic Services – Including specialization in gynecologic cancers, diagnosis and treatment for pelvic pain, vulvar problems and other conditions unique to women.
Breast Care Services – Ranging from screening mammography to diagnosis and treatment of complex breast disease.
Behavioral Health - Including our MOMS Line, a peer-supported help line for pregnant and new moms who are experiencing the “baby blues,” postpartum depression and anxiety disorders; and even services for mothers-to-be who are addicted to opioid drugs (WISH Center). The WISH Center is the only program of its kind in the region with a team of multidisciplinary providers including maternal fetal medicine specialists, specially trained nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, nurse coordinators and a dedicated obstetrics pharmacist. The team coordinates with behavioral medicine therapists to help women overcome opioid addiction and deliver healthy babies.
Your support propels the mission of SSM Health Women’s Health Services and helps to keep our mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, cousins, and friend healthy.
The Mercy Breast Center is devoted exclusively to breast care, diagnosis and treatment. The Breast Center is available to all women who need routine screenings or further diagnostic procedures and treatments. We ensure the most thorough assessment, plus the convenience and peace-of-mind of coordinated care for diagnosis, treatment and counseling. On-site capabilities and services include screening and diagnostics in digital mammography, breast ultrasounds, stereotactic and ultrasound guided core biopsies, needle localizations, MRIs, mobile mammogrpahy services and education and support. The Breast Center is a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence recognized by the American College of Radiology.
Get all the details below and secure your own Sista Strut 2020 limited edition mask here.